Strategy in the Northern Baltic Sea from the World War I to the Cold War

Suomen Sotahistorian Komissio järjestää kansainvälisen seminaarin “Strategy in the Northern Baltic Sea from the World War I to the Cold War”.

Seminaari pidetään keskiviikkona 15.11.2017 klo 10-17 Tieteiden talolla (Kirkkokatu 6, Helsinki), salissa 104.

Tarkempi ohjelma päivitetään Suomen Sotahistorian Komission sivuille (

Seminaariin osallistuminen on maksutonta.

Osallistujia pyydetään ilmoittamaan ennalta sihteeri Seppo Vepsäläiselle, tai 040 753 1335.

One thought on “Strategy in the Northern Baltic Sea from the World War I to the Cold War”

  1. Wednesday 15th November 2017
    Tieteiden Talo (House of Science and Letters), Kirkkokatu 6, 00170 Helsinki.

    10.00 Opening. Chairman of the Commission Juho Kotakallio
    Lasse Laaksonen: Commission’s International Relations: XLIIIrd International Congress of Military
    History, Douala, Cameroon 2 – 8 Sep 2017
    Aleksanteri Suvioja: Strategic Aspects of the German Naval Historiography on the Baltic Theatre of
    the First World War 1918 – 1945
    Kaarel Piirimäe: The Myth of the Independence War, Laidoner’s “Active Defence”, and the Estonian
    military capabilities in the 1930s

    Lunch break

    13.00 Pavel Petrov: Plans for the war of the Soviet Navy on the Baltic Sea in 1935 – 1941: Projects and
    Pekka Visuri: Strategic aspects of operations in the Northern Baltic Sea area 1941 – 1944
    Henrik Tala: French aid to Finland during the Winter War
    Coffee break
    15.00 Gunnar Åselius: Finland as a forward defence zone in Swedish strategic thinking, 1917 – 1991
    Seppo Vepsäläinen: From “Ostrich Policy” to Involvement in the Second World War: Neutrality,
    Changing Alliances and International Aid

    General discussion: Lecturers’ Reflections and Questions by Audience

    No participation fee.

    Preliminary registration of audience is desired by 13 November 2017.
    Registration and Information: Secretary of the Commission Seppo Vepsäläinen
    +358 40 753 1335

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